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Wed, Apr 24, 2024
River Campus Hosts Third Annual New Student Showcase
(Fine Arts)
The Department of Theatre and Dance at Southeast Missouri State University will perform a “New Student Showcase” at 7:30 p.m. Sept. 17 in the Wendy Kurka Rust Flexible Theatre at the River Campus. The third annual “New Student Showcase” cast includes both freshmen and transfer students. “The point of the ‘New Student Showcase’ is to give the new-to-Southeast students a chance to introduce themselves and their talents to the faculty and current students,” said Dr. Phil Nacy, assistant professor of theatre history, script analysis, sound and lighting. “It’s intended as an ice-breaker of sorts, a chance for the new students to make an instant positive impression.” New students will perform short duet or trio scenes from various styles of plays, monologues, songs and dance. Dance students will perform a choreographed piece by a faculty member, while music theatre students will have the option to sing in a number. Nacy is directing the showcase along with other acting and directing faculty who assisted the students in selecting scenes to perform. “It sometimes takes a lot of effort and exposure for actors, dancers, and designers to get recognized when they join a new group, so by performing at the Showcase, they get a head start merging into the talent pool. It’s a chance to jump immediately into the action of the Department by putting their talents on display from day one. It’s a big benefit to any new student to participate,” Nacy said. The event is free and open to the general public, and donations will be accepted.  
Location: Wendy Kurka Rust Flexible Theatre, River Campus
Price: Free and open to the public-donations accepted
Sponsor: Department of Theatre and Dance
Contact: Department of Theatre and Dance
(573) 651-2149
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